
Showing posts with the label History

National Ice Cream Day

National Ice Cream Day Kulfi, referred to as the “traditional ice cream of India”, also originated in the sixteenth century, during the Mughal reign. National Ice Cream Day is celebrated on third Sunday of July every year as it is one of the most precious and sweetest desert of all time. US President Ronald Reagan in 1984 had declared that July as National Ice Cream Month and the third Sunday of the month as National Ice Cream Day. Since then, National Ice Cream Day is celebrated in the US on the third Sunday of July. However, the festival has got quite popular now is celebrated by

Indian History of 1857 June 20th

  History of 20th June 1857 The  Indian Rebellion of 1857  was a major, but ultimately unsuccessful, uprising in India in 1857–58 against the rule of the British East India Company, which functioned as a sovereign power on behalf of the  British Crown .The rebellion began on 10 May 1857 in the form of a mutiny of sepoys of the Company's army in the Garrison town of Meerut, 40 mi (64 km) northeast of Delhi (that area is now Old Delhi). It then erupted into other mutinies and civilian rebellions chiefly in the upper Gangetic Pain and Central India.  Though incidents of revolt also occurred farther north and east.The rebellion posed a considerable threat to British power in that region, and was contained only with the rebel's defeat in Gwalior  on 20 June 1858.

Untold History Never Shared

  मुरूदेश्वर शिव मंदिर की ऊंचाई 249 फीट है, जबकि कुतुबमीनार की ऊंचाई 238 फीट है! कन्दुका पहाड़ी पर, तीन ओर से पानी से घिरा यह मुरुदेश्वर मंदिर भगवान शिव को समर्पित है। यहाँ भगवान शिव का आत्म लिंग स्थापित है, जिस की कथा रामायण काल से है। अमरता पाने हेतु रावण जब शिव जी को प्रसन्न करके उनका आत्मलिंग अपने साथ लंका ले जा रहा था। तब रास्ते में इस स्थान पर आत्मलिंग धरती पर रख दिए जाने के कारण स्थापित हो गया था। गुस्से में रावण ने इसे नष्ट करने का प्रयास किया उस प्रक्रिया में, जिस वस्त्र से आत्म लिंग ढका हुआ था वह म्रिदेश्वर जिसे अब मुरुदेश्वर कहते हैं में जा गिरा। इस की पूरी कथा शिव पुराण में मिलती है। राजा गोपुरा या राज गोपुरम विश्व में सब से ऊँचा गोपुरा माना जाता है। यह 249 फीट ऊँचा है। इसे एक स्थानीय व्यवसायी ने बनवाया था। द्वार पर दोनों तरफ सजीव हाथी के बराबर ऊँची हाथी की मूर्तियाँ देखी जा सकती हैं। मुरुदेश्वर मंदिर के बाहर बनी शिव भगवान की मूर्ति विश्व की दू

History of Frozen Food

  Frozen Food For Foodie In 1912 Clarence Birdseye was working as a field biologist in northern Canada when he was taught by Inuit people how to preserve fish by freezing under very thick ice at around -40 ° C.  Frozen almost instantly , it tasted fresh when thawed days or weeks later . Birdseye realized that this fish was fresher than that sold in the fish markets in New York , which had also been frozen but slowly and at higher temperatures . He also saw that when food was frozen quickly , only small ice crystals formed in the cells , causing less damage to the texture . Frozen food will keep for several months , so long as it is

History of World MAP

World MAP In the 1891 International Geographical Congress established specifications for the scale map of the world, and World Wars 1 and 2 and brought more progress. The sixth-century tablet known as Imago mundi shows Babylon on the Euphrates , with cities on the circular land mass, surrounded by a river.  According to the Greek scholars developed a spherical Earth theory using astronomical observations, and in 350 B.C.E. Aristotle produced argument to justify this practice.  In the first century C.E., Ptolemy, an astronomer and mathematician, developed a reference - line principle. His Guide to Geography list 8000 locations with their approximate latitudes and longitudes. However he underestimate the size of the Earth. Few of the Maps and Images was found on Turkey, India and Egyptian land with the age of 8500 B.C.E, 8000 B.C.E. and 6500 B.C.E.